Guidelines For An Enjoyable Stay
Please respect your neighbors, nature and the campground.
Quiet hours: 10:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m., Strictly Enforced. Security will patrol the area. No screaming or loud voices will be tolerated. One warning will be given and if the noise continues, you will be asked to leave. All radios/stereos must be turned off by 10:00 p.m. This is an ordinance of the Borough of Mt. Pocono.
Firewood: Purchase it at the Camp Store. Cutting of or dragging out of our woods any trees, branches, bushes or any other plant, "dead or alive," is strictly prohibited. Violators will be fined $250.00, prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and immediately evicted from the property. Note: Any wood transported across state lines is prohibited and against the law, due to insect infestation.
Preserving Nature: DO NOT DESTROY VEGETATION. Stay on designated paths. Do not put nails in the trees. Do not throw charcoal or grease into woods.
Campsites: Please leave them in the same condition you find them—clean, litter free, one picnic table and fire ring per site. Glass containers permitted on campsites only!
Speed Limit: 5 MPH
Guests: Must register at the Camp Store upon arrival. Guest fees are $8.00 for an adult/$5.00 for a
child per day (holiday weekends $10.00 adults/$8.00 child per day). Guests must leave by 10:00 p.m. Overnight Guest fees are $16.00 for an adult/$10.00 for a child per night (holiday rates are $20.00 adluts/$16.00 child per night).
Pets: Must be on a leash. You must pick-up after them, and don’t let them bother your neighbors. Please do not leave pets unattended. If a pet is disruptive, you will be asked to remove your pet from the campground. Owners must have signed paperwork on file with the campground.
Campfires: Must be made in fire rings provided on each site. Do not move fire rings. Please do not leave fires unattended. Put fires out when you are done. No glass, cans, rocks or garbage in fire rings.
Garbage: On the weekends, please bag your garbage and place it at the entrance of you campsite. It will be picked up between 10:00 a.m. - noon each day and once in the evening. During the week, please throw your garbage bags in the dumpsters along the exit road. Please put all small pieces of litter in garbage cans placed throughout the campground.
Smoking: Not permitted in any public buildings or in the pool area. Please extinguish cigarettes & cigars in receptacles placed outside of the buildings and throughout the campground. Please do not throw cigarette butts on the ground.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages by anyone under the age of 21.
- Profanity, including music & apparel.
- Washing dishes, clothes or pets in the bathhouse.
- Washing of cars or campers.
- Riding ATVs, dirt bikes or golf carts in the campground.
- Chainsaws or axes.
- Firearms, fireworks, bows & arrows, slingshots, air guns, B-B guns, paintball guns, water balloons and stone throwing. Violators will be asked to leave immediately.
- Flags, unless approved by the campground management.
- Throwing "Snap Dragons" on the ground.
- Setting car alarms.
Responsibility: Parents/Guardians will be held responsible for any damages incurred, by their children/ guests/pets, to the campground facilities, plants & trees and recreational equipment or other guests/pets.
There will be no refund given, if you are asked to leave the campground.