your Mount Pocono Campground, Inc., A Family-Oriented Campground.
Spin Srt at Carnival Potatoe Sack Crafts

30 Edgewood Road, Mount Pocono, PA 18344, (570) 839-8950

Email us

GPS:41°8'14.25"N, 75°20'14.25"W

2025 Activities - Fun for All Ages...Something for everyone!!

Date Theme Activities
May 10 & 11
Happy Mother's Day

Saturday: Make Mom a gift and/or card ($).
Pancake breakfast. Mom eats free. Champaign Bingo. Mother & Daughter - Make a Memory Bracelet ($).

Sunday: Free coffee & Sweet Treat for all Mom's in the Camp Store.

May 16 -19
Honor Our Armed Forces


With Military ID, Stay One Night and Get One Night Free.

St Patrick's Day Potluck.

Luck of the Irish Scavenger Hunt! 

May 23 - 26
Memorial Day "Kick-off Summer in the Mountains"

Lots of fun for all ages! Music Bingo, Pancake Breakfast, Ceramics, Crafts, Cornhole Tournament, Trivia Night, Sip & Sing - Karaoke, Music & Fun at the Pool, Horseracing at the Pool, Dodgeball, Glow in the Dark Volleyball, Potluck.

**Tricky Tray benefiting Alex's Lemonade Stand!     

May 31 
Unplugged Weekend 

Nature Scavenger Hunt. Planting Activity.  Glow in the Dark Scavenger Hunt & Games

June 7
Craft Weekend 

Crafts, Ceramics, Music & Fun at the Pool. Dodgeball. *Adult Sip and Paint ($), *Must register prior to event.

June 14 - 15
Happy Father's Day

Saturday: Make a gift and /or a card for "Dad"($). Pancake breakfast. Dad eats free. Beverage Bingo. Lou Auslander hosts a Whiskey Tasting for all Dad's.

Sunday: Free coffee & Sweet Treat for all Dad's in the Camp Store.

June 21
Welcome Summer

Night-time Swim. Fun, Music, Ice Cream Bar & Horseracing. Afternoon Activities: Pool Games, Dodgeball, Crafts.

June 28
Superhero Weekend

Friday Night - Sip & Sing Karaoke. Saturday: Day - Children & Adults make Action Figure Costumes & participate in Superhero Challenges (Adults $5.00, Children $3.00). Night - Action Packed Fun at the Pool with Ice Cream Bar.

July 4 - 5
Celebrate the 4th of July with us! 

Alex's Lemonade Stand Carnival! Food, Games, Raffle Baskets, Wacky Walk. Help us fight Childhood Caner! 4pm - 8pm

Music Bingo, Cornhole Tournament, Crafts, Ceramics, Trivia Night, Pool Games & Music, Dodgeball.               

July 12
Pirates Weekend

Sand Castle Contest, Family Scavenger hunt, Cardboard Boat Races,  Glow-In-The-Dark Scavenger Hunt.

July  19
Craft & Vender Sale / Easter In July

Craft & Vender Sale - noon to 2pm Bring your Crafts to sell or if you are a Vender, set-up a table.

Afternoon: Easter Crafts & decorate eggs, Egg hunts for children under 12. Meet the Easter Bunny!

Night: Family Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt.

July 26
Christmas In July

Pancake Breakfast and Meet Santa. Site Decorating Contest, Santa arrives. Ugly T-shirt Contest. Cookie Swap. Adult Craft.

August 2 
New Year's Eve

Afternoon: Pool games & Music, Crafts, Dodgeball. 

Night:  New Year's Eve Pool Party, with Ice Cream Bar. Horseracing.and Ball Drop.

August 9
Fun 'N Games/Casino Night

MPC Clue Game, Jenga Tournament, Cornhole tournament, crafts, ceramics, matchbox races, hola- hoop contest. 

Night:  Horseracing, LCR, Black Jack, Texas Hold'em,  

August 16
Hawaiian Luau Pool Party

Hawaiian Luau Night Pool Party -  Hula-Hoop contest,  Cannonball Contest, Flamingo Races, Horseracing, Ice Cream Bar.

August 23
Groovy Weekend

Tie Dye, Spin Art, Glow In The Dark Games, Twister at the pool, Disco Ball Dance, with Costume Contest.

August 30 - Setember 1 
Labor Day - Redneck Weekend & Potluck

Redneck Fun & Games for All! Toilet Seat Horseshoes, Cornhole, Site & Costume contests. Potluck Dinner for all! Music Bingo, with pop corn. Sip & Sing - Karaoke, Dance, Trivia Game.

**Tricky Tray benefiting Alex's Lemonade Stand!     

September 20
Fall Festival/ Oktoberfest

Afternoon:  Find the Pumkin, Make Scarecrows, Crafts/Ceramics, Caramel Apples, Beer Tasting. 

Night:  Beverage Bingo.

October 4
Wine Tasting, Share Your Soup

Bring your favorite bottle of wine and your favorite soup to share! Wine Tasting. Bring an extra bottle for the Wine Walk - Alex Lemonade Stand Fundraiser.

October 11
Dawn Rush's Halloween Weekend

A day filled with Halloween Traditions! Afternoon: Crafts, Games, Trick or Treating, Costume, Site Decorating & Pumpkin Craving Contest.

Night:  Family Party with live music.



Weekend Activity Schedule (Memorial Day - Labor Day)

**We will e-mail out our "Activity Schedule" for the weekend, prior to your arrival.

In addition to "Themed Weekends" our activities may include:

- Family/Candy BINGO

- Horseshoe Tournament

- Cornhole Tournament

- Crafts/Ceramics for all ages

- Wii Tournaments

- Hula-Hoop/Matchbox Contest

- Dances

- Music Bingo

Click here to print our 2024 Activity Schedule.