2025 Activities - Fun for All Ages...Something for everyone!!
Date | Theme | Activities |
May 10 & 11 |
Happy Mother's Day |
Saturday: Make Mom a gift and/or card ($). Sunday: Free coffee & Sweet Treat for all Mom's in the Camp Store. |
May 16 -19 |
Honor Our Armed Forces
With Military ID, Stay One Night and Get One Night Free. St Patrick's Day Potluck. Luck of the Irish Scavenger Hunt! |
May 23 - 26 |
Memorial Day "Kick-off Summer in the Mountains" |
Lots of fun for all ages! Music Bingo, Pancake Breakfast, Ceramics, Crafts, Cornhole Tournament, Trivia Night, Sip & Sing - Karaoke, Music & Fun at the Pool, Horseracing at the Pool, Dodgeball, Glow in the Dark Volleyball, Potluck.
**Tricky Tray benefiting Alex's Lemonade Stand! |
May 31 |
Unplugged Weekend |
Nature Scavenger Hunt. Planting Activity. Glow in the Dark Scavenger Hunt & Games |
June 7 |
Craft Weekend |
Crafts, Ceramics, Music & Fun at the Pool. Dodgeball. *Adult Sip and Paint ($), *Must register prior to event. |
June 14 - 15 |
Happy Father's Day |
Saturday: Make a gift and /or a card for "Dad"($). Pancake breakfast. Dad eats free. Beverage Bingo. Lou Auslander hosts a Whiskey Tasting for all Dad's. Sunday: Free coffee & Sweet Treat for all Dad's in the Camp Store. |
June 21 |
Welcome Summer |
Night-time Swim. Fun, Music, Ice Cream Bar & Horseracing. Afternoon Activities: Pool Games, Dodgeball, Crafts. |
June 28 |
Superhero Weekend |
Friday Night - Sip & Sing Karaoke. Saturday: Day - Children & Adults make Action Figure Costumes & participate in Superhero Challenges (Adults $5.00, Children $3.00). Night - Action Packed Fun at the Pool with Ice Cream Bar. |
July 4 - 5 |
Celebrate the 4th of July with us! |
Alex's Lemonade Stand Carnival! Food, Games, Raffle Baskets, Wacky Walk. Help us fight Childhood Caner! 4pm - 8pm Music Bingo, Cornhole Tournament, Crafts, Ceramics, Trivia Night, Pool Games & Music, Dodgeball. |
July 12 |
Pirates Weekend |
Sand Castle Contest, Family Scavenger hunt, Cardboard Boat Races, Glow-In-The-Dark Scavenger Hunt. |
July 19 |
Craft & Vender Sale / Easter In July |
Craft & Vender Sale - noon to 2pm Bring your Crafts to sell or if you are a Vender, set-up a table. Afternoon: Easter Crafts & decorate eggs, Egg hunts for children under 12. Meet the Easter Bunny! Night: Family Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt. |
July 26 |
Christmas In July |
Pancake Breakfast and Meet Santa. Site Decorating Contest, Santa arrives. Ugly T-shirt Contest. Cookie Swap. Adult Craft. |
August 2 |
New Year's Eve |
Afternoon: Pool games & Music, Crafts, Dodgeball. Night: New Year's Eve Pool Party, with Ice Cream Bar. Horseracing.and Ball Drop. |
August 9 |
Fun 'N Games/Casino Night |
MPC Clue Game, Jenga Tournament, Cornhole tournament, crafts, ceramics, matchbox races, hola- hoop contest. Night: Horseracing, LCR, Black Jack, Texas Hold'em,
August 16 |
Hawaiian Luau Pool Party |
Hawaiian Luau Night Pool Party - Hula-Hoop contest, Cannonball Contest, Flamingo Races, Horseracing, Ice Cream Bar. |
August 23 |
Groovy Weekend |
Tie Dye, Spin Art, Glow In The Dark Games, Twister at the pool, Disco Ball Dance, with Costume Contest. |
August 30 - Setember 1 |
Labor Day - Redneck Weekend & Potluck |
Redneck Fun & Games for All! Toilet Seat Horseshoes, Cornhole, Site & Costume contests. Potluck Dinner for all! Music Bingo, with pop corn. Sip & Sing - Karaoke, Dance, Trivia Game.
**Tricky Tray benefiting Alex's Lemonade Stand! |
September 20 |
Fall Festival/ Oktoberfest |
Afternoon: Find the Pumkin, Make Scarecrows, Crafts/Ceramics, Caramel Apples, Beer Tasting. Night: Beverage Bingo. |
October 4 |
Wine Tasting, Share Your Soup |
Bring your favorite bottle of wine and your favorite soup to share! Wine Tasting. Bring an extra bottle for the Wine Walk - Alex Lemonade Stand Fundraiser. |
October 11 |
Dawn Rush's Halloween Weekend |
A day filled with Halloween Traditions! Afternoon: Crafts, Games, Trick or Treating, Costume, Site Decorating & Pumpkin Craving Contest. Night: Family Party with live music. |